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PAM® for Research Studies

Insignia Health offers a limited number of PAM®-only licenses to healthcare researchers.

Research License Service Center

The 12-month renewable license for the PAM® survey is designed for researchers conducting studies with a clear research design and methodology. Upon completion of the study, licensees are required to submit their full, de-identified data set including PAM scores and other self-reported or clinical data to Insignia Health at research@insigniahealth.com

Insignia Health will not alter, share or publish your data. However, we will compare your data to our normative data set and use this information to continually refine PAM and PAM-based guidance for coaches, clinicians and patients. Any analysis performed by Insignia Health on the de-identified data can be shared back with the researcher upon request. Examples of PAM and additional methodology and documentation can be found in our Research Library.

The research license does not entitle the researcher to all of the administration, customization and service features available with the standard license or limited commercial license. Access to PAM Scoring and Level of Administered PAMs is provided with this license. We do not share the algorithm used for scoring. If your organization does not meet all of the criteria listed below, or if you prefer a customized activation-based solution for your research, please contact us regarding a commercial license.

After submitting an application for a research license, you will be directed to an online account portal to access training and support materials.

Insignia Health will review your application within 10-business days: 

  • If approved, you will receive an email from our support team containing a PDF version of PAM and available translations, along with a macro-enabled PAM survey scoring form.* 
  • If your application is denied, the online account will be disabled. 

* The PAM survey scoring form is an Excel-based application that uses macros and requires an Internet connection to calculate PAM Score and Level. The form is currently supported for Microsoft Windows OS and Excel [2013 and later]. Use of the form on non-Windows operating systems and/or older versions of Excel is not recommended and may result in errors

To license and use the Patient Activation Measure® (PAM®) or related PAM-based survey in a research study, please check each box to confirm your agreement  with each statement.


I am the lead researcher or one of the principal investigators on the proposed study

The study has a clear research design and methodology, including a formal approach to participant enrollment and retention, access to data variables beyond PAM, and a plan for data analysis.

The study, including use of PAM or related PAM-variant, is approved by my academic institution or health policy organization.

The overseeing institutional review board (IRB), independent ethics committee (IEC), ethical review board (ERB), research ethics board (REB), or other relevant institutional body will allow the sharing of de-identified data from the study with Insignia Health.

The study is not funded by an organization seeking, through this research, to develop, optimize or validate a product or service, such as a patient education, activation or engagement resource or support program, that will be commercialized for their own direct or indirect financial benefit.

The study will have at least 100 unique participants.

I or my institution intends to publish results of the study in an academic journal or professional publication, or through a publicly-shared white paper or similar publication. I/We agree to refer to PAM in the publication as the Patient Activation Measure® (PAM®) with the appropriate registered trademark.

At the conclusion of the study, I or the sponsoring institution agree(s) to share with Insignia Health the entire de-identified data set, including PAM data and other variables that are evaluated relative to a PAM score or activation level, plus any related materials, including code books.

The study will not use PAM or related survey to validate another measurement tool or data-based model of activation, engagement or self-management.

The study will not use PAM to validate a commercial (e.g. licensed or sold to other organizations) software-based health intervention or program.

I have read and accept the Research License Terms and Conditions.

Product Options

Please agree to all statements above to choose your product options and continue to checkout.

You are applying for a new Research License. Existing licenses can be viewed in your account instead.